Thursday, August 11, 2011

T.J. Simers: Randy Moss, a gifted athlete who cut corners

We already know there is no limit to stupidity in sports.

It’s been suggested, I think in jest -- if Charles Manson were available and could catch a football, he would have 10 teams pounding on his door. Troubled players don't seem to concern teams so long as they are producing.

Players get in trouble all the time because there’s so little accountability off the field lest it distract from their ability to help a team on it, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell seemingly the Lone Ranger.

But I digress. Randy Moss’ name surfaced again Wednesday, with former Vikings Coach Brad Childress telling, "We had good guys, by and large, [but Moss] walked in the locker room and vomited on it."

OK, first of all I don’t know how much Childress had to do with picking up Moss last year, but if he was complicit, why did they let Childress keep his job until November?

The New England Patriots released Moss, with the best coach in the game no longer wanting any part of him, and so Childress thought he could do better?

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