Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Michael Vick Being Treated Unfairly by Officials?

Michael Vick said that he wasn’t complaining and that he wasn’t blaming the officials … and then, if my reading comprehension skills are still O.K., he complained and blamed the officials.

Below is a partial transcript of his talk with reporters — after the Eagles’ loss to the Giants – in which he says officials have been looking the other way as he has been battered in the pocket. The full conversation is at

Let us know whether you agree with him. On Sunday night, the ESPN analyst and former quarterback Trent Dilfer was adamant that Vick had not been treated differently by the officials, saying essentially that it was all in Vick’s head. (Vick’s head is a different story.)

On the play in which he hurt his hand: “It was on the pass to (WR) Jeremy (Maclin).  (It was) Just an unfortunate situation, after such a great play, and I felt like I got hit late.  There was no flag. Broke my hand.”

On whether his hand was on his helmet when he got hit: “It really doesn’t matter where it was at. I was trying to protect myself.  Still didn’t get a flag and that’s pretty much been the story for the last three weeks. I mean obviously at some point something catastrophic is going to happen and I broke my hand. Not to blame the refs or say that it was their fault. It’s just one of those unfortunate situations and I just think more precautions should be taken when I’m inside the pocket. I mean if you look at all the replays, I’m on the ground every time and it’s unfortunate for myself and it’s unfortunate for my team and I’ll be lying if I said I wasn’t, if I were to sit here and say I wasn’t frustrated right now because of that.”

On whether he feels he’s not getting the calls other quarterbacks do: “Absolutely.”

On why he feels he doesn’t get the calls: “Why? I mean, you all see it. There’s no reason for me to go into a big dissertation about why I’m not getting the calls.  The refs, they have to do their job as well. I even mentioned it in training camp to the refs when we had our little meeting, so just for precaution. But hey, I don’t know.”

On whether he felt that there were other late hits on him: “Everybody saw the game. I was on the ground constantly. All of the time. Every time I throw the ball in all my highlights and just watching film in general, every time I throw the ball I’m on the ground, getting hit in the head and I don’t know why. I don’t get the 15-yard flags like everybody else does but hey- I’m not going to complain about it. I’m just making everybody aware and hopefully somebody will take notice.”

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