Monday, August 15, 2011

Should the SEC expand? If so, whom should it include?

Sec-log_250 Writers from around the Tribune Co. discuss the possible future expansion of the SEC. Check back throughout the day for more responses and weigh in with a comment of your own.

Chris Dufresne, Los Angeles Times

Texas A&M is not going to the SEC any time soon, if you think soon is the next week. But it's likely going to happen, the SEC's weekend decision to not invite A&M only a stall tactic to prove 12-year-olds are not actually in charge.

I think the big holdup is not A&M but the SEC taking a 13th team without identifying a 14th team. There are politics down South too, almost as bitter as Texas and A&M, so simply plucking Florida State or Clemson from the ACC isn't going to work with rivals Florida and Clemson. Virginia Tech, also out of the ACC, would be a solid pick, but shoot, didn't Virginia just bend over backward a few years ago to get Tech to the ACC out of the Big East?

A good alternative might be North Carolina, embroiled in NCAA issues right now but with no real SEC blood enemies. The Big 12 has to fear the SEC coming after Missouri, which might start a chain-reaction leading to the 16-school super conference concept that is coming -- sooner or later -- to a football theater near you.

Remember, though, the NCAA is reforming with only the best interests of the student athletes in mind.

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