Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Should Joe Paterno resign over the Sandusky scandal? [Poll]

Joe Paterno's reputation has taken quite a hit in the last 24 hours, with many people calling for him to step down as Penn State football coach in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

As our own Bill Plaschke wrote:

A day after witnessing the assault, [graduate assistant coach Mike] McQueary drove to Paterno's home and told him what he had seen. Paterno then informed [Penn State Athletic Director Tim] Curley of the incident.

And then, nothing.

Nearly two weeks after the incident, Curley and [school vice-president Gary] Schultz met with Sandusky and told him he could no longer bring any Second Mile children onto the campus. But the officials did not alert the police, and Sandusky continued to work as a welcomed member of the Penn State football family.

Curley and Schultz resigned Sunday while Paterno issued a statement.

"If this is true, we were all fooled, along with scores of professionals trained in such things," read part of the statement. "While I did what I was supposed to do with the one charge brought to my attention, like anyone else involved, I can't help but be deeply saddened these matters are alleged to have occurred."

Paterno was fooled? He was informed that a former longtime assistant coach was "behaving inappropriately" while taking a shower with a boy in his locker room. Surely he couldn't have been less fooled.

Paterno did what he was supposed to do? No, as the most powerful and influential figure on the Penn State campus, he should have done more. ...

At some point after informing the athletic director of the report, Paterno should have gone to Curley and said, "If you don't do something, I will."

Although this is not a gesture mandated by state law or school handbook, it is a fact of simple humanity.

"If you don't do something, I will," is a statement that now needs to be directed at the coach by the school's board of trustees.

For the sake of a university whose continued association with him would damage its success and stain its honor, if Joe Paterno doesn't quit, they should fire him.

So, should he step down? Vote now and let us know what you think.


Is Joe Paterno's reputation tarnished by the Sandusky scandal?

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